How to Leverage Your Business’s IT to Increase Your Competitive Edge

There’s not a business owner out there that doesn’t want their business to run as efficiently as possible. Because after all, as cliche as it sounds, it’s true that time is money. Maybe you haven’t thought about how your business’s IT can increase your competitive edge in your market. But with more effective IT services come greater employee productivity, efficiency, and customer retention, and in turn— greater profits. So again, how are IT and business growth connected? They couldn’t be more connected!

In a recent survey of CEOs by Gartner, “When asked to consider productivity and efficiency actions, CEOs were much more inclined to think of technology as a tool. Forty-seven percent of respondents mentioned technology as one of their top two ways to improve productivity.”

In fact, according to, a recent report shows that “53% of employees state that they can save up to 2 work hours a day (240 hours per year) through automation, and 78% of business leaders posit that automation can free up to 3 work hours a day (360 hours per year). Think about those numbers. They’re staggering.”

Let’s look at the five key areas where IT can positively impact your business:

1. Cost Reduction

Your IT can save your business money if it’s done correctly. Don’t get fooled by the mindset that you have to buy the “latest and greatest” products. Sometimes it’s about making the most of the technology you already have, not buying brand new servers every other year when you don’t need them. A professional can assess your system for ineffectiveness or inefficiencies that could be costing you money.

In the same Gartner study we cited before states that, “27 percent of 473 CEO and senior business executives cited “technology enablement” as a cost-control method,” and implementing new technologies to help automate processes—such as Office 365—are a great way to do that.

2. Employee Productivity

Along with automated processes, proper firewalls block certain websites from being visited and/or restrict bandwidth, preventing wasted time with non-work tasks. Properly setup networks also ensure all employees are able to share files and access resources quickly. Proper backups of employee work can also save time in case of loss.

3. Speed & Efficiency

Slow systems or internet speeds can lead to lagging on calls or dropped VoIP calls as well as collaboration hang-ups between employees. Updating and/or upgrading your Operating System to improve computer speeds as well as purchasing higher internet speeds allow for efficiency within your company, saving you time and money in the long run.

4. Customer Retention

Creating unique customer experiences by setting up guest wi-fi, customer portals, a reliable and modern phone system, CRM linking, increase response times on service-related issues, properly protecting/retaining customer information are all issues highly important to today’s client base. And they’re relatively easy to accomplish through proper systems, training, and the use of AI.

5. Simplified Operations

Nothing can hold a company back quite like convoluted and confusing processes. The best thing you can do is manage one point of contact for all your IT needs. Nobody wants to have to bounce back and forth between different support teams when issues arise.

Along with organizing and simplifying processes, you should always make sure your softwares are also as simplified to work as efficiently as possible. For example, softwares that are key to your business might have overlapping or redundant features. Get rid of any overlap. Also, proper integration of hardware and software is essential setting your company apart.


Want to grow your business but feeling stuck? We would love to help you figure out how to leverage your IT to grow your business! For small business owners who are looking to take their companies to new heights, a strong partnership with the right professional will give you an edge. Contact us today.