Data Privacy Vs Data Security—Why Organizations Should Care About Both

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Data is king, right? Since our world is becoming increasingly digital, almost all of our information is online. Names, addresses, birthdays, social security numbers, access to our bank accounts—there’s not much of our personal info that the internet doesn’t know.

And while the argument about how much about us should even be online is still very much up for debate, one thing is clear: no matter how much information should be available in the digital sphere, organizations need to know what to do with it and how to keep it out of the wrong hands.

That’s where data privacy and data security come into play. These terms are often used interchangeably, but they refer to two different concepts that work together. Knowing the difference is essential to your relationship with your customers, so let’s dive right in!

Data Privacy 101

Data privacy refers to the use and protection of your personal information. It involves collecting, storing, and monitoring people’s data in line with established laws. Data privacy is all about establishing trust between the organization and its customers—you agree to give a company your data but they promise that they will keep your data secure and you’ll have a say in how they use it.

In the last few years, governments and regulatory agencies have really jumped on data privacy. You know those pop-ups about “cookies” that appear every time you visit a new website? Well, those are in place to make sure that the website is following data privacy laws. The company is informing you of its data privacy practices and how they affect you.

As a business owner, you have to be aware of the many data privacy laws and whether you’re following them or not. Just like restaurants have to follow health codes, businesses have to follow data privacy regulations. The best way to be aware of these regulations and make sure you’re following them is by partnering with a managed service provider (MSP). But more on that later.

Data Security 101

Data security, on the other hand, is all about protecting the data your organization collects. It involves using software and hardware measures to prevent unauthorized access or tampering with that information.

We’ve seen a huge surge in cyber-attacks over the last few years, and it’s more important than ever before to protect against these threats. Data security is about keeping your data safe by using measures such as anti-virus software, firewalls, and backup systems. The goal is to make sure that only authorized people have access to this information or can tamper with it in any way.

Again, partnering with a managed service provider (MSP) is the best way to ensure that your organization is up to date on the latest cyber threats and that you have the tools and resources in place to protect against them.

The Main Differences Between the Two

1. Data privacy refers to the use and protection of personal information while data security is all about protecting data from unauthorized access or tampering.

2. Data privacy involves collecting, storing, and monitoring people’s data in line with established laws, whereas data security involves using software and hardware measures to protect against cyber attacks.

3. Companies must abide by certain regulations for maintaining customer trust when it comes to data privacy; however, when it comes to data security companies should invest in anti-virus systems and other tools for protection against threats such as cyber-attacks.

4. Ensuring compliance with laws that regulate how personal information can be used is a part of ensuring good practices related to data privacy; on the other hand, ensuring good practices related to data security means investing in resources like firewalls and backups which help protect the organization against external threats like malware or hacking attempts.

Why It Matters for Your Business

Businesses of all sizes need to understand the difference between data privacy and security. Not only do these regulations protect customers from having their personal information misused, but they also help build trust in your organization. When customers feel like you’re taking steps to ensure their data is being used responsibly, they are more likely to engage with your brand.

Moreover, data security is essential for the protection of your organization and its data. Investing in measures that protect against cyber threats can help prevent costly breaches or other problems that could affect your bottom line.

When it comes to achieving good practices related to both data privacy and security, partnering with an MSP is the best way to ensure compliance and protect your organization. MSPs can provide not only the tools and resources needed for data security but also help with staying up to date on rules related to data privacy.

Simplify Data Management With ANC Group

For something as important as your data, working with an IT provider gives you an immediate return on investment. An MSP will be more affordable than in-house IT and give you access to an entire team of IT professionals. Your data will be secure, backed up, and managed properly.

With ANC Group, you can create a comprehensive data privacy and security plan that works for exactly what you need. We stay up to date on the latest regulations and best practices so that you don’t have to. And with our 24/7 support, we’re always here if you need us.

Schedule a free network assessment to learn more about how our managed services can help you!