Hurricane Season Is Upon Us, What’s Your Backup Strategy?

Hurricane season is a time of year when businesses need to be especially vigilant in protecting their data and IT infrastructure. A hurricane can cause extensive damage to hardware and can potentially knock out power and internet service for days or even weeks. Damages from hurricanes or other disasters have shown to lead to businesses closing within a year of reopening, 25% of the time. There are a few things businesses can do to prepare for hurricane season, the most important being to have a plan in place for backup strategy and disaster response. A hurricane disaster recovery plan outlines the steps necessary to alleviate the repercussions caused by the storm and restart regular operations. Last year was the third highest-costing year on record due to natural disasters, with over $40 billion spent to cover damages. Creating or updating your recovery plan is essential to maintaining your company’s efficiency and keeping you from suffering a detrimental loss.

Why a Hurricane Disaster Recovery Plan is Fundamental

A hurricane disaster recovery plan is essential for any business located in areas that are prone to hurricanes from June to November. When a hurricane is headed your way, you need to have a plan in place to make sure your business information is safe and secure.  Once the storm is already en route, supplies and basic necessities will start to become scarce at local stores, and it may be difficult to find materials you need to physically protect your business and home. The last thing you want to be worried about is frantically trying to prepare your IT infrastructure for the storm as well. Planning ahead is the key to keeping your business open in the face of disaster.  Some elements of that plan can include the following:

Data Backup

Your backup strategy should include a plan for both on-site and off-site backups. On-site backups are important for quickly restoring data in the event of a power outage, but they won’t do you any good if your building is flooded or otherwise damaged. Off-site backups, on the other hand, can be accessed from anywhere with an internet connection, making them ideal for long-term data storage. Cloud backup services are a great option for off-site backups, as they’re typically more affordable and easier to use than traditional backup methods. Hurricanes can also cause power spikes and irregular currents as the power goes on and off. Make sure to use battery backup to protect your devices and enable a graceful shutdown should your network or power surge during the storm. 

Communication Response

In addition to having a robust backup strategy, it’s also important to have a plan for how you’ll respond to the hurricane. This includes having a designated point of contact, making sure all employees know the evacuation route if they’re on-site at any point before or during the storm, and a way to communicate if they are working remotely.  Communication can become tricky if there are power outages for long periods of time. Make sure to stay in contact as long as possible and clearly communicate your expectations for employees in case of outages.  If your office or building is closed after the storm due to damage, ensure employees are aware of your plan to continue business as usual. Creating and communicating a plan ahead of time for employees to work remotely can eliminate downtime and make the recovery process easier. 

Protect Physical Resources

You’ll want to make sure your hardware and in-house technology is securely protected from any damage, as costs for replacements and downtime can add up quickly. Storing those items in a safe place like an off-site storage facility or in a secure room in your office building can keep them out of harm’s way. Make sure any sensitive items are stored in the top shelves in case of flooding and in plastic bins in case of roof leaks.  No matter how prepared you are, these storms can still be dangerous and destructive. By having a hurricane disaster recovery plan in place, you can minimize the impact on your business and get back to normal operations as quickly as possible.

Construct Your Disaster Recovery Plan Today with ANC Group

When threats of a hurricane are on the forefront, you need to have a plan in place to make sure your business information is safe and secure. ANC Group has faced many hurricanes and helped other businesses prepare for them. They can help you create or modify your plan to give you the coverage you need and prepare for disaster.  Contact us today to see how our company can defend your valuable assets!