What The Education Sector Has Learned from the Lincoln College Ransomware Attack

Cyber attacks are a growing danger for businesses of all types. No sector seems to be immune, and that includes the education sector. So far in 2022, at least 14 universities or colleges have experienced cyberattacks. With a large amount of sensitive information like student data and financial records, they’re an attractive target for cybercriminals.

Educational institutions often have outdated or poorly secured systems, making them an easy target for hackers. The information contained within their systems can be used to steal identities, commit fraud, and do further damage to students, staff, and the respective institution.

Just last year, Lincoln College was hit with ransomware, causing significant damage and disruption. There is value in analyzing the Lincoln College ransomware attack to prevent similar IT security attacks from occurring.

What Happened in the Lincoln College Ransomware Attack?

The ransomware attack on Lincoln College occurred in December of 2021. The attack prevented access to all institutional information, rendering all of their systems unusable during that time. Luckily for the college, no personal identification information was leaked, which prevented any further complications.

Both the Lincoln College ransomware event and the repercussions from the pandemic caused the 157 year old institution to shut down.

This attack serves as a reminder that all businesses are susceptible to cyber attacks, and that educational institutions are no exception. In fact, in late 2021, a report by Microsoft showed that educational institutions announced the most malware attacks among other businesses.

Importance of Cybersecurity in the Education Sector

The education sector contains a wealth of sensitive information that cybercriminals can exploit. This information includes things like student files, tuition and other financial records, and contact information. Educational institutions can protect this information from being accessed and used by hackers through the implementation of stronger cybersecurity measures.

Cybersecurity is not only important for protecting the institution itself, but also for protecting the students, staff, and faculty that are associated with it. There are a number of steps that educational institutions should take to improve their cybersecurity. These include:

  • Implementing strong passwords and multi-factor authentication
  • Training staff and faculty on cybersecurity best practices
  • Conducting regular security audits
  • Restricting access to sensitive information
  • Backing up all data in case of an attack

Following these foundational security measures will better protect your school from targeted attacks from cybercriminals. However, one of the most beneficial resources to protect your school’s cybersecurity is by partnering with a security IT provider like ANC Group.

Solutions to Protect Your School’s IT Network, Test Your Backups, and Ensure Data Integrity 

Schools are a desirable target for cybercriminals because of the large amount of sensitive information that they store. To better protect themselves from cyberattacks, educational institutions should partner with an IT provider who can augment and fortify their cybersecurity solutions.

ANC Group has the knowledge and experience to protect your institution from cybercriminals, offering a wide range of IT services that will meet your organization’s needs. Call today to find out how you can better protect your school’s security.